Using Emacs Lisp in Org-mode

Org-mode in Emacs offers powerful capabilities for generating tables programmatically using Emacs Lisp, allowing users to create dynamic and complex tables tailored to their specific needs. This feature combines the flexibility of Lisp programming with Org-mode’s structured document format, enabling the creation of tables from various data sources and calculations.

Generating Tables with Source Blocks

To generate Org tables using Emacs Lisp, create a source block with the :results value table header1 . Within the block, use Lisp code to define the table structure and content. For example:

 '("Header 1" "Header 2" "Header 3")
 '("Row 1 Col 1" "Row 1 Col 2" "Row 1 Col 3")
 '("Row 2 Col 1" "Row 2 Col 2" "Row 2 Col 3"))
Header 1 Header 2 Header 3
Row 1 Col 1 Row 1 Col 2 Row 1 Col 3
Row 2 Col 1 Row 2 Col 2 Row 2 Col 3

Execute the block with C-c C-c to generate the table. This method allows for flexible table creation, accommodating both static and dynamic content based on Lisp calculations or external data sources.

Dynamic Table Creation Techniques

Dynamic table creation in Org-mode leverages Emacs Lisp’s power to generate complex tables with calculated values. By using variables and functions, users can create tables that adapt to changing data or perform computations on-the-fly. For instance:

(let ((data '((1 2 3) (4 5 6) (7 8 9))))
  (cons '("A" "B" "C")
        (mapcar (lambda (row)
                  (mapcar (lambda (x) (* x x)) row))
1 4 9
16 25 36
49 64 81

This code generates a table with squared values of the input data1 . For inserting dynamic content, backquotes and commas can be used to evaluate expressions within the table structure2 . These techniques allow for the creation of tables that can automatically update based on changing variables or complex calculations, enhancing the flexibility and power of Org-mode as a data presentation tool.

Adding Horizontal Lines in Tables

To enhance table readability, use the ’hline symbol to add horizontal lines within your Org tables. Insert it as a separate element in your list:

 '("Header 1" "Header 2" "Header 3")
 '("Row 1 Col 1" "Row 1 Col 2" "Row 1 Col 3")
 '("Row 2 Col 1" "Row 2 Col 2" "Row 2 Col 3"))
Header 1 Header 2 Header 3
Row 1 Col 1 Row 1 Col 2 Row 1 Col 3
Row 2 Col 1 Row 2 Col 2 Row 2 Col 3

This technique allows for clear separation between headers and data rows, improving the visual structure of your tables. When working with dynamic content, you can strategically place ’hline elements to create sections within your table, further organizing complex data sets.

Processing Data for Custom Tables

Emacs Lisp functions can be leveraged to process data before creating tables, allowing for sophisticated data manipulation and presentation. By applying functions to raw data, users can generate tables with calculated values such as sums, averages, or maximums. For example:

(let ((data '((1 2 3) (4 5 6) (7 8 9))))
  (cons '("Sum" "Average" "Max")
        (mapcar (lambda (row)
                  (list (apply '+ row)
                        (/ (float (apply '+ row)) (length row))
                        (apply 'max row)))
Sum Average Max
6 2.0 3
15 5.0 6
24 8.0 9

This approach enables the creation of custom tables that summarize or transform data according to specific requirements, enhancing the analytical capabilities of Org-mode. Users can adapt this technique to handle various data types and perform complex calculations, making it a powerful tool for data analysis and presentation within Org documents.

CSV to Org Table

Org-mode provides a built-in function called org-table-import to easily import CSV files into Org tables. To use this feature, simply place your cursor where you want the table to appear and execute M-x org-table-import1 . When prompted, specify the CSV file you wish to import. For more control over the import process, you can use the C-u prefix before calling org-table-import. This allows you to specify the separator character, which is particularly useful for CSV files that don’t use commas as delimiters2 . After importing, Org-mode automatically formats the data into a neat table structure.

For CSV files with quoted strings containing commas, use C-u C-c | on the imported region to properly convert it into an Org table. To preserve quotes around strings during import, you may need to write a custom function or use external tools, as the default import doesn’t maintain quotes.

Remember that Org-mode’s table features extend beyond simple imports. You can easily convert existing text regions into tables using C-c | (bound to org-table-create-or-convert-from-region), which is helpful for pasted CSV data.

Author: Marcus Kammer

Email: marcus.kammer@mailbox.org

Date: Sun, 12 Jan 2025 13:12 +0100

Emacs 29.1.90 (Org mode 9.6.11)

License: CC BY 4.0